The Brilliant, Transcendent Clarity of Chauncey DeVega Applying Cone, Baudrillard, Adorno, Gordon and Postman in his Nuanced Argument about the “Kanye West.”

[The eclipse of serious journalism by punchy soundbites and outraged tweets, and the polarized, standardized reflection of opinion into forms of humor and theatricalized outrage within narrow niche-markets makes the category of individual thought increasingly unreal. This is true on the left as well as the right, and it is especially noteworthy once we countenance what passes for political discourses today. … The new media forms have devolved into entertainment, and instead of critical discourse we see the spectacle of a commentariat, across the ideological spectrum, that prefers outrage over complexity and dismisses dialectical uncertainty for the narcissistic affirmation of self-consistent ideologies each of which is parceled out to its own private cable network.

I am reminded of a lecture I attended some years ago where the late James Cone, an intellectual titan and the father of black liberation theology, observed that some of the most difficult students to teach on questions of the color line were those who happened not to be white. Why? Because black and brown students often believe that because they were born into a certain body at a certain point in time, they have special knowledge and wisdom that makes it unnecessary for them to engage in serious study of the color line….

We see this in an America which in many ways has lost the ability to determine what is “true” and what is “fake,” and where lies are now labeled as mere “untruths” or “disagreements.” As with Trump, Kanye West is the human distillation of America’s social pathologies of greed, narcissism and a celebrity-driven culture of distraction and emptiness. Hyperreality is the state of being where these social pathologies exist, and through which they are mediated.

Ultimately, Kanye West is just one more character caught up in the orbit of the human black hole Donald Trump, in a malignant reality where the absurd is now the quotidian….]

Full article here: I love Kanye West | Chancey DeVega for SALON


BBC Journalists Are Asked To Stop Inviting Crackpots on News Shows in The Name of “Scientific” Balance.

Phil Plait for SLATE

Oh, I do so love this. It’s precisely the right thing to do, sorely needed and sorely overdue. In this specific case, back in 2012 the BBC was criticized for news shows inviting on people with fringe views, especially when the science being discussed was solidly understood.

Obviously, the topic most abused in this way was the reality of global warming. That should come as no surprise to anyone who has been paying any attention at all.

Read the full article here… | SLATE

FACTS about our world

Russia has the highest rates in tertiary education in the world (53.5%) – Canada is 2nd, and Japan is 3rd)
Switzerland has the lowest recorded crime rates in the world (Singapore is 2nd and Hong Kong is 3rd)
Greece is the most sexually active country in the world (England is 2nd, and France is 3rd)
Nigeria is the most religious country in the world (predominately Moslem – with Armenia 2nd – Christian Orthodox, and Fiji 3rd – now Catholic)
Greece has the largest merchant ship fleet in the world
Denmark is the “happiest” country in the world (Norway is 2nd, and Switzerland is 3rd)
Greece has the lowest suicide rates in the world (as of 2012) – Mexico is 2nd, and Italy is 3rd)
Turkey gives the highest salaries to teachers, in the world (South Korea is 2nd, and Germany is 3rd)
Brazil has the highest homicide rates in the world (0.022%) – Nigeria is 2nd, and Russia is 3rd
Iceland is the most eco-friendly country in the world (Switzerland is 2nd, and Costa Rica is 3rd)
Afghanistan is the worst country in the world for women (the Republic of Congo is 2nd, and Iraq is 3rd)
China is the country with the most atheist population in the world (Japan is 2nd, and the Czech Republic is 3rd)
— The Congo is the -new- poorest country in the world (Malawi is 2nd, and Central African Republic is 3d)
Qatar is the richest -per capita- nation in the world (Luxemburg is 2nd, and Singapore is 3rd)

40+ Maps That Speak About Our World | Washington Post

40+ Maps That Speak About Our World | Washington Post

Maps seemed to be everywhere in 2013, a trend I like to think we encouraged along with August’s 40 maps that explain the world. Maps can be a remarkably powerful tool for understanding the world and how it works, but they show only what you ask them to. You might consider this, then, a collection of maps meant to inspire your inner map nerd. I’ve searched far and wide for maps that can reveal and surprise and inform in ways that the daily headlines might not, with a careful eye for sourcing and detail.